About Us
The Navi Brand
'Your creativity helps others unlock theirs'
🌱 Do you keep asking yourself, "what you are good at?" or "what you are passionate about?"
If that answer is YES, that means you are building your foundation upon your creative outlet. Those thoughts are tiny seeds, desiring to be cultivated and then released through the uniqueness of your personal self. Something has your name on it. Dare to dream!
🌱 My mission here at T.N.B will be testifying that putting clean oils from the earth directly on to your skin will be one of the best, long term investments you could ever make. As the largest organ of the human body, it deserves top of the line care. While you may see sudden results with the latest anti-aging, 'oil free' synthetic beauty product, your skin was not created to carry the weight of these toxic products, long term. My goal is to help raise greater levels of awareness in this area and if you are ready to give your skin the treatment it deserves, then hop onboard!
✨️ Nora resides in sunny Sarasota, Florida - with her husband and three children. Most of her days are spent doting on her toddlers and seeking new adventures out in nature!